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Driving Roofless Supercars Under Not-So-Ideal Climate Looks Fun

What are the chances that you'll be able to drive a limited million-dollar roofless supercar? If you're not an F1 champion like Nico Rosberg

Driving Roofless Supercars Under Not-So-Ideal Climate Looks Fun

What are the chances that you'll be able to drive a limited million-dollar roofless supercar? If you're not an F1 champion like Nico Rosberg, there's a huge chance that you won't – just like the rest of us that comprise 99 percent of the world's population.

But how about three of these incredible machines? You know the answer to that, but thankfully, Top Gear had a chance to get all three in the same place and drive them all through unpredictable Scottish climate. At least we get to experience them through our screens.

The subject of the latest Top Gear mega test is the holy trinity of modern speedsters: the Ferrari Monza, the McLaren Elva, and the Aston Martin Speedster. All three came out in recent years, all are limited, and all of them lack a roof or a proper windscreen, which makes this test really unique.

In all fairness, the show's presenter, Jack Rix, said that it was also his first time to test these cars. With the way he was giddy before driving, we believe him. If we were in his place, we'd be nervous down to the bones, especially considering that these three cars cost a total of £3.6 million or around $5.1 million with the current exchange rates.

And of course, there's the question of power, which totals up to 2,300 horsepower (1,715 kilowatts) combined for these three cars. We can only imagine the fun but guess we have to be contented with that for now.

Now, which of the three is the winner? Truth is, and just like how Rix has put it in the video, you'd probably buy all three of these incredible machines if you're a billionaire.

And oh, stick until the last part of the 20-minute video atop this page for roofless fun that we can actually afford.



25 May 2021Supercars